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Formatting Long Tracking Numbers in MS Excel

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CSV, or comma-separated values, is a common format for storing and transmitting data.

MS Excel is suppose to open and read CSV files, but in most cases, when you open a CSV file in Excel, you see scrambled data that’s impossible to read. MS Excel typically formats the tracking numbers into scientific notation.

This article will explain how to convert and display long tracking numbers correctly in MS Excel from a CSV file.

Solving Long USPS Tracking Numbers Problem in MS Excel

Step 1. Download CSV Report

Download the Check Payments Report from the Checkflo Platform:

Main menu: Reports > Batch Report


Main menu: Reports > Ad Hoc Report

Download Check Payments Report

Step 2. Create a new blank document in MS Excel

Launch MS Excel. Then, click on the option to create a new Blank workbook.

Create a new blank document in MS Excel

Step 3. Import CSV data file into MS Excel document

In MS Excel, click on Data tab, then click on From Text option located in the Get External Data ribbon.

MS Excel - Import CSV data file

Step 4. Select and Import CSV data file

In MS Excel, select the CSV file and click on Import button.

Import CSV file into MS Excel document

Step 5. MS Excel – CSV Import Wizard – Delimited Data

In MS Excel’s Import Wizard:

  1. Select Delimited file type
  2. Select Unicode UTF-8 file origin
  3. Check My data has headers checkbox
  4. Click on Next button
MS Excel - CSV Import Wizard - Step 1 of 3

Step 6. MS Excel – CSV Import Wizard – Set Comma as a Delimiter

In MS Excel’s Import Wizard, check Comma checkbox as a delimiter and click Next button.

MS Excel - CSV Import Wizard - Step 2 of 3

Step 7. MS Excel – CSV Import Wizard – Select Tracking column

In MS Excel’s Import Wizard:

Scroll horizontally and select column > Tracking, which contains the long tracking numbers.

MS Excel - CSV Import Wizard - Step 3 of 3

Step 8. MS Excel – CSV Import Wizard – Set Tracking column as Text data format

In MS Excel’s Import Wizard:

Select Text option as the Column data format and click Finish button

MS Excel - CSV Import Wizard - Step 3 of 3

Step 9. MS Excel – Import Data

In MS Excel’s, the last step is to click OK button.

Import CSV data
Imported CSV data displays long Tracking Numbers correctly in MS Excel.
Import CSV data - Tracking numbers
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